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A4ch Team

A member registered Jun 22, 2019

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Please submit this request to a technician. Because your answer doesn't explain how 11 people suddenly downloaded the game twice each, and so abruptly. It is clear from the graph, that the game does not have such popularity.

At 11 views of the game page I get 22 downloads. There's no way it's an accident, or suddenly 11 people decided to download 22 times. And this is within an hour after the last visit to the developer's page.

So how much progress am I actually making in downloads and views?

Your analytics showed me how 23 people downloaded the game in one second. At the same time, the number of views did not change at that moment. Are you not embarrassed by what I wrote about this? I report a bug, but instead the administration pretends nothing happened.


(1 edit)

The support service is not responding, but maybe you can tell me how to fix it. Yesterday I updated the statistics page, there were 16 downloads, re-updating at the same moment it became sharply 39 downloads.

Now the statistics of the demo version of the game for the same length of time:

Is there a solution to this? The game took 3 and 2 places in the top visual novels.

Тору делает шмыг.

Continue your activity, success to you!

It looks very beautifully!